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Things you need to bring

*Completed 'All About Me' / 'Consent' Forms

*Specialised food if your child has dietary requirements different to our regular cereal, toast and fruit breakfasts. 

* Comforters for sleep time

* Nappies + creams (Sensitive wipes and Sudocrem are provided)

* Bottles and clearly labelled and dated formula/breast milk pouches (if applicable)

* Lots of spare pants, trousers and socks if Toilet Training

* Slippers for home-from-home comfort in our Nursery rooms

* Outdoor shoes for fun in the garden

* Wellies! - Come rain, or shine, water play is fun whatever the weather!

* If the sun is out...labelled sun cream and a sun hat

* If it is chilly...warm hat, scarf and gloves 

* Wet weather clothes for outside play and trips to the woods.

Most Importantly

...and most importantly...

* Lots of spare nursery clothes!

We love to get messy and quite often very wet in our water play! Sometimes our aprons slip, or even get forgotten about if we become so engrossed in creative exploration, so our play clothes often need to be changed!

NB: Please can you ensure all items of clothing/footwear are clearly labelled with your child's name.

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